
  • Reflection — April 19 2024

    Proud persons trust their own works and consider themselves perfect and despise and scorn others (Luke 18:9).

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  • Reflection — December 02 2023

    Life can never be so stormy that safety, peace, and hope in Christ becomes an empty dream. (Psalm 46)

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  • Reflection — November 30 2023

    When darkness hides His lovely face, may you know, just as surely as you know that the sun will …

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  • Reflection — November 28 2023

    Grace inspires godliness.

    Salvation inspires service. He saved us so that we might serve Him.

    (1 Peter 2:9)

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  • Reflection — November 25 2023

    He was just a young boy, with two small fish and five small barley loaves. We don't even know …

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Featured Testimony

Chisala Lupele's Testimony

Growing up my mother was an instrumental figure of our spiritual upbringing. She often read us Bible stories and being the oldest would quiz me on how I would apply a given lesson to my everyday life. I saw this more of play time because I loved being told stories. Our mother taught us songs and how to pray. She often gave us an opportunity to pray before food and before/after sleep. These acts on my end were done with oblivion toward who Christ really was.

The day I got saved was not foreseen. I was 11 going on 12 years when the Lord brought me under the conviction of my sin during a Sunday school class. Auntie Maseka as we fondly called her taught us how God saw everything that we did and what we stored in how hearts. She added, how we were all born sinners and he gave us his Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that we may live failure to which we may go to hell. I had heard this story before – through my mother’s teaching- but there was just something different about it this time. I recall praying with auntie and inviting Jesus into my heart, “to stay with me” I said. I shared with my mother about what happened and she was happy.

My early Christian years were filled with a hunger for Jesus. I recall going behind our house for my quiet time, where I would sing and read from my Bible. Little by little I began to understand more about my faith and Jesus. With insecurities that came with teenage life, I often found refuge in God’s word. As I grew older I developed a read and sought God in books and his word. Applying knowledge about my faith has often led to an experiential learning about God’s grace to my life which is often a reminder on how I did not attain it through acts of any special kind.

From EBC and sister churches

What is a Reformed Baptist Church?

What is a Reformed Baptist Church?

5 years, 4 months ago

That is a question frequently asked. By ‘Reformed’ we mean that we trace our theological roots back to the 16th …

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LMC Block Class to commence on March 25 2019

LMC Block Class to commence on March 25 2019

5 years, 4 months ago

Lusaka Ministerial College (LMC) aims to be Lusaka’s college of choice for the training of pastors in biblical convictions in …

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The Truth Behind Generational Curses

The Truth Behind Generational Curses

5 years, 6 months ago

This resource was authored by Pastor Isaac Makashinyi & published 5 years, 6 months ago at …

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Arminianism, Calvanism and Hyper-Calvanism

Arminianism, Calvanism and Hyper-Calvanism

5 years, 6 months ago

This resource was authored by Pastor Conrad Mbewe & published 5 years, 6 months ago at …

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The 2024 Reformed Conference

The 2024 Reformed Conference

1 month, 3 weeks ago

The Annual Zambia Reformed Family Conference will be held from 26 to 30 August 2024 under the Theme Jesus our …

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From across the world

TURKEY: Church repeatedly denied permission to build worship centre

TURKEY: Church repeatedly denied permission to build worship centre

1 day, 8 hours ago

Diyarbakir Protestant Church has been denied permission to build a worship centre and a court has turned down its legal …

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PAKISTAN: Christian on death row excels in exams

PAKISTAN: Christian on death row excels in exams

2 days, 8 hours ago

A young Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy has worked hard to achieve high exam grades in prison

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CHINA: Beijing Zion Church raided, young woman detained

CHINA: Beijing Zion Church raided, young woman detained

3 days, 8 hours ago

A young woman was detained following a police raid on the banned Beijing Zion Church

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In Ephesians 6:18, Paul instructs believers to keep alert and pray for all the Lord’s people. The stories below are meant to awaken us to the many issues facing believers across the globe, with a view to encouraging us to remember our brothers and sisters facing various trials, persecutions, etc. before God's throne. Also see Hebrews 13:3.

“Against the persecution of a tyrant, the godly have no remedy but prayer”

— John Calvin

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